Frequently Asked Questions
What is Write My Way AI?
How do I get started?
How does Write My Way AI work?
How Many Writing Samples Should I Provide?
Our Writing Sample Collector allows you to easily provide and manage your writing samples, so you can refine your writing style. You can feel free to skip a given prompt if you don't have a writing sample that fits or want to focus on other prompts.
How does the Writing Sample Collector work?
Our Writing Sample Collector allows you to easily provide and manage your writing samples, so you can refine your writing style.
It will always populate with a prompt for you to write about. You can write your text in the text area and then click the "Save" button to save your writing sample. Then, it will automatically populate with the next prompt for you to write about.
You can also click the "Skip" button to skip a prompt if you don't have a writing sample that fits or want to focus on other prompts.
You can edit your writing samples in the Writing Sample Collector. This allows you to refine your writing style.